Package Design

Client: Gaco Western   Project: GacoRoof Family Rebranding Project
Client: Gaco Western   Project: GacoElastomeric & GacoPatch Can Design
Client: Gaco Western   Project: GacoElastomeric & GacoPatch Pallet Wrap
Client: Gaco Western   Project: GacoMobileRoof Kit Design
Client: Gaco Western   Project: S2100 Cleanable Solvent-Free Silicone Coating (5gal)
Client: Gaco Western   Project: Potential Co-Branding between Gaco Western and GripRite / New Logo and Can Design

Client: Rural Delivery Bluegrass Band   Project: Custom CD Case Design
Client: Glenwood Station Bluegrass Band   Project: Custom CD Case Design

Client: Hose Tower Brewery   Project: Logo & T-shirt design

Client: Wicker Paradise   Project: Logo Design and Shopping Bag

Client: Jada's Love Organic Hand-Crafted Soap   Project: Logo Design and Packaging
Client: Hose Tower Brewery   Project: Beer Label Design
Client: Dr. Gloria Gilbere   Project: Custom Package Design

Client: Harbor History Museum, Gig Harbor  Project: Package Design
Client: The Design Cottage Interiors   Project: Paint Label and Milk Paint Logo Development
Client: Silvercity Brewery   Project: 3D Viewer Design
Client: View-Master   Project: Custom Package Design (prototype proof)
Client: Miles Global   Project: CD Case Design

Client: Miles Global   Project: CD Case Design